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Welcome To "Manha Digital Consultancy"....

Manha Digital Consultancy is your strategic partner for navigating the digital landscape. As a Professional Expert I will tailored solutions in Web Design and Development, E-commerce Solution, Google Ads Service, SEO Service, Social Media Management, Facebook and Instagram Marketing, Google My Business Account Set up and more. From strategy to implementation, I guide you towards digital success.

My Service's

Build Your Dream Website With Us

Social Media Management

Search Engine Optimizing/SEO

Google My Business- GMB

  • How to install WordPress themes?
  • Creating new pages, posts, and menu
  • Most useful plugins for WordPress site
  • Customizing the entire site
  • Using Elementor
  • Creating eCommerce websites with WordPress
  • How to create WordPress websites?
  • Google Ads Certification
  • Search Engine Optimization/SEO
  • Facebook Marketing
  • Instagram Marketing
  • LinkedIn Marketing



A website is a crucial and dynamic asset for any modern business, serving as a virtual storefront and a powerful tool for growth, visibility, and customer engagement.

To build a website for your business:

  • Set clear goals.
  • Choose a user-friendly platform.
  • Design with your brand in mind.
  • Create quality content and visuals.
  • Optimize for search engines (SEO).
  • Ensure mobile compatibility.
  • Include contact info and social links.
  • Prioritize security with SSL.
  • Update content regularly.
  • Test thoroughly before launch.
  • Promote via marketing channels.

We Can Also Assist You

Today, social media marketing is an integral component of online marketing. The effectiveness of social media has resulted in a substantial shift in how businesses conduct their marketing efforts. Businesses may utilize social media to reach and engage with their target audience, as there are billions of active social media users globally. Businesses may use social media marketing to establish a strong online presence, raise brand awareness, and communicate with potential customers across many platforms. Social media marketing, whether on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn, is a wonderful way for businesses to create long-term relationships with their target audience and, as a result, increase their bottom line.

To learn digital marketing effectively, start by researching reputable online courses or resources that cover key concepts like social media marketing, SEO, content creation, email campaigns, and analytics. Engage with industry blogs, podcasts, and YouTube channels to stay updated. Hands-on experience is crucial, so consider working on personal projects or assisting with digital campaigns. Networking with professionals and joining relevant online communities can provide valuable insights. Continuous learning and adapting to trends will help you master the dynamic landscape of digital marketing. 

Now Lot of Educational Institute arranged online learning Course’s in Digital Marketing.

Yes, You can. We are UAE based Digital consultancy to provide online learning course’s in very cheap tuitions. 

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